Sunday, April 26, 2009

Tonkawa Cannibalism
Accounts of Tonkawa cannibalism in graphic detail are abundent in historical sourses. Noah Smithwick lived among the Tonkawas and recalled a cannibal feast on Webber's Prairie:
After killing and scalping a Comanche, the Tonkawas were on the vengeance trail with a company of revently despoiled Texans, their allies refused to persue the cause, `further saying they must return home to celebrate the event,' which they accordingly did so by a feast and scalp dance. Having slashing-off the flesh of the dead Comanche meat, together with alot of corn and potatoes. When the stew was sufficiently cooked and cooled, to allow it to be ladled out with their hands, the whole tribe gathered around, dripping it up with their hands and eating it greedily. Having gorged themselves, they lay down and slept till night, when the entertainment was concluded with a Scalp Dance.
-a real story from the TONKAWA exibit in the Western Room at the Bastrop County Museum.
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